Boost Operational Efficiency with SMS Notifications
As a business owner, we understand that you already have a lot to juggle with the day-to-day operations of your business. You’ve routed customer calls to different team members to share the responsibility, but what if you still want to stay informed and on top of customer service?
Telekit offers Call Event SMS alerts so that you can receive real-time updates about customer calls, allowing you to be notified, respond promptly, and keep track of call patterns and interactions.
You can add up to 15 SMS recipients in the Settings section of your application.

The notification will include:
- Status summary of the call
- Recipient number (if answered by you or your team member)
- Caller number
- Telekit number (your business number)
- Menu option selected by the caller
- Start date & time
- End date & time

Stay connected and informed with Telekit’s Call Event SMS notifications. Sign up for a free 30-day trial today.