Call Events

View step-by-step interactions of every customer call.

Telekit’s Call Events feature allows you to gain insights into your customer calls so that you can make informed business decisions. Simply hover over a call log and click the Call Events icon. A popup will appear displaying the step-by-step interaction between the caller, Telekit, and your business.

At the top of the pop up, you’ll see the caller’s phone number, your business phone number, and the call duration. All the interactions that took place during the call will appear in chronological order.

Depending on what happens during a customer call, you can see the following interactions:

  • Call started
  • Connected to Telekit
  • Menu option the caller selected
  • Transfer number that Telekit rings
  • Any call forwarding phone numbers that Telekit rings
  • Recipient that answers the call
  • Any Telekit voicemail left
  • Any Telekit or caller errors that are encountered during a call
  • Call ending party

Here are a couple of examples of Call Events:

Call Events for a successful call transfer

Call Events for when Telekit handles caller errors

Being able to view all of the events that took place during your calls helps you meet your customers' needs. For example, if you wanted to return a customer call, you now have information about when they called, what menu option they selected, any team member they talked to, or if the caller was sent to voicemail. This leads to more productive and supportive conversations. Your customers will feel valued and heard, and most importantly, they won’t need to repeat themselves.

Get in touch!

email & number
+1 (312) 546-4456
Deerfield Office
570 Lake Cook Road
Suite 400
Deerfield, IL 60015

Chicago Loop Office
2 North Riverside Plaza
Suite 225
Chicago, IL 60606  

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